Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas 1912

While the Christmas snow lay deep and bright
May you be blest with all your heart's delight

I'm really not sure what to make of this odd photo postcard showing a vaguely Father Christmas-ish (or Phil Robertson) looking gentleman with fir boughs on his head, holding a doll dressed in what looks like a Chinese or Japanese dress and a ... white, long-legged dog?

This is from the Rotary Photographic Postcard Series

but then, you read the message on the back, sent to a Miss Williamson in Hastings, Ontario.
Mamma said she promised that I would write to you. She had no business promising anything like that because it takes a certain amount of my precious time to write a long postcard like this. I will be home for 4 or 5 days. Wishing you a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.  Robbie

Let's hope Robbie and Miss Williamson shared a history and a sense of humour!

All of us at PostcardFriendshipFriday share things in common.


  1. Certainly had an opinion of himself didn't he?

    1. this is when you wish you had some follow-up cards to see how the relationship moves on!

  2. What fun! LOL I wish we knew the rest of the story. Merry Christmas, sweet Violet.

    And Happy Postcard Friendship Friday! LOL

  3. I love the card, but the writer sounds like a jerk.

  4. Oh my that message a little scary.

  5. What are you doing for Christmas?

  6. That is hilarious. Thankfully, everyone is long gone by now! Interesting archive!
    Cheers from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  7. Hilarious! The card, the message and all! Someone should write the book.

  8. WHat a cryptic message! And an odd, odd postcard picture.

  9. Funny message on the back of the card! Must have been written by a spoiled kid. ;))

  10. Robbie rules.

    I also like the look in the eyes of that "Santa"--he'd take a person on a merry ride, all right.

  11. Funny! I got a postcard from an ex-boyfriend on vacation when I was sixteen that said "Having a great time, wish you were here." Lucky for him I knew he was a kidder. Merry Christmas!


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