Sunday, August 16, 2009

SundayStills - clouds

Posted by Picasaclick on collage to embiggen
“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under the trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time"
~ John Lubbock
Some of these were taken this past week. Some were taken as far back as last winter. All are within a block from my home. Summer has finally arrived here, so am sitting outside, doing not much else but soaking it all up. This heat has a way of completely draining me of all energy. I am allowing myself to be drained. And resting. Except, today is too hot and hazy for clouds...


  1. A great collage! I loe that thried one from the top, left; brooding white and grey/blue.

  2. A nice selection of clouds. I do not have much of sunrise and sunset shots like you do.
    P.S. About your question on panorama, I use Photoshop.

  3. You have some great skies overthere. Lovely pictures all of them.

  4. What a collection! Beautiful! :D Sound like you are enjoying the summer! Coool!

  5. it's nice to drop by your blog after a long time.. nice post... i love clouds.. hope i can have the time to look at them during idle times.. :)

  6. I like the collage. Very nice job. Summer arriving in mid August, must be nice.

  7. awesome collection of clouds :)

  8. Very nice & the collage of all of them is beautiful!

  9. Excellent shots and I LOVE your quote! Well done!!!

  10. Beautiful collage of my favorite...skyscapes. Great job, Sanna!

  11. I'm just in love the shot in the middle; the really dark one with the light line in the middle. Great job!

  12. Your beautiful collection reminds me of a quilt. You seem to have a good eye for composition. And I love the John Lubbock quote, too. I need to do that more often.


  13. Violet Sky--a great blog name--you have lived up to your moniker, giving us a terrific selection of clouds to enjoy!!

  14. At least you actively look at clouds when they are there, which is more than can be said for me. I just undergo them. Rain or gloom or shadows, thatś all I notice. I don't see the beauty. I don't look up enough.

  15. Great quote and beautifully done clouds collage.

  16. Beautiful shots! Totally jealous it's hot there! It's been upper 60's around here this week. Totally bummed! I want the sun to come back so I can soak some up before winter comes back!

  17. Lee Beth: yes, but at the moment I am dripping with the humidity

    Ronell: oh, that was a dramatic stop-in-your-tracks sky

    Zullozoe: thank you

    Ebie: because of my work schedule I get to see a lot of sunrises

    Jan: thank you, I tried for a not too jarring variety

  18. Steffie: some days, like today, are pretty boring, so was glad to have this challenge to look at

    Wildback: thanks, I've worked hard at it - love photographing the sky

    Sami: nice to see you here again

    Susan: thanks, the sky is perfect as it always changes

    aussie oklahoma: yes, so am I - the one just to the bottom left of it was the same sky, a little later and a bit to the east

  19. Regular Guy: thank you and summer arriving in mid August is quite late

    Janice: thank you

    Chloe: I am a little proud of my collection, thanks

    Tammy: I couldn't decide... and almost all of these had been posted before for SkyWatchFriday

    crazysheeplady: the quote seemed very fitting, especially as I intended to be very idle this weekend, thanks

    Colleen: thanks

  20. Lisa: a quilt, I like that. and thanks - it did actually take me a very long time to arrange this composition

    Char: glad you like

    Flowerweaver: I try!

    Vicki: thanks, am a little surprised mine was the only collage

    Patches: thanks and isn't it too bad I am hating this 'hot and humid' (sun yes, the rest, no)

    Irene: oh you should look up and see more of the beauty. it is one of the simple pleasures in life

  21. Just beautiful. Well captured.
    The poem says it all.

  22. Aren't clouds clever and beautiful. I recall when I was about 5 going by plane somewhere and I was most disappointed not to see any angels sitting on them!

  23. Very nice collection of clouds!!

  24. What a wonderful collage! I particularly love the pink clouds.

  25. Beautiful collage; I like that you included everything from sunrises and sunsets to storm clouds. :)

  26. Oh I love that! Wonderful collection - you sure can see a lot of uninterrupted sky!

  27. I like your clouds!

    Love that NG pic, thanks.

    Paint that bureau!

  28. Maggie May: The words should be repeated by everyone who never stops... and thanks

    Amanda: oh dear - were they all sleeping? or you mean there really are no angels??

    Lisa: thanks, I worked hard (sortof) at collecting them!

    Quinn: the pink is my newest favourite. very summery, I think.

    Amy: thanks - I wanted to be reminded of the variety.

    Mari: thank you

    Gilly: living by a lake helps.

    Geewits: thanks, you're welcome, and I'll take your idea into consideration

  29. Hi
    I had to look up John Lubbock. Where did you come across him?
    I think you were possibly the first to 'follow' my blog. I think I have accidentally knocked your name off. Now someone has shown me how to put the little pictures of people on the front of my blog if yo wish to add your picture I would be honoured. basically I don't know what I'm doing!

  30. You're very good at putting together these collages. And YAY! for summer! Long may she reign (not rain)

  31. WOW, nice collage! I especially love the ones in the bottom row; beautiful shots!

  32. Your photos are wonderful, great way to put them together. My absolute favourite is the 3rd one down on the left, those clouds look ferocious!

  33. Beautiful collage!!! So many colors and shapes...very well done!

  34. I love the way your present your challenge photos in collage form. Really nice cloud shots. Super. :)

  35. Clouds are always a great inspiration for me. Already when I was a child I would look at the shapes and make "something" of it. Looking at the amount of comments you got, it struck a nerve with many!

  36. Ed: thanks for such an easygoing challenge.

    Ken: I had to look him up too, that is another post...

    XUP: as much work as this was, it was fun. I'm dying from this summer, though

    Mellimaus: thanks, I like to know which ones people like best

  37. Nicisme: after seeing your photos - thank you!

    gtyyup: thanks, I had colourful subjects

    dibear: I didn't think I'd be the only one, glad you like

    Robin: always good to see you here, thanks

    Jeannette: I really could watch clouds for hours and never be bored

  38. makes me want to make one myself, thanks for the shots and the idea. :)


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