Tuesday, March 23, 2010

the other side of the bay

The Waterfront Trail (with Pier 4 Park) is just ahead and around the bend. first we travel over this bridgeMcQueston Bridge

and from a vantage point at the near end of the bridge we can see where we are headed

click on the pictures to embiggen for maximum viewing pleasure

McQueston view

it is still a bit early for the yachts to be in the water, though I met a few people undressing their boats, feeling hopeful…

Pier 4 yachts

as were these fishermen. but wait, see the choppy, brown water? it was rather windier than I anticipated

outside Discovery Centre

making it hard taking pictures, though entertaining to watch the gulls struggling to stay aloft. this little guy was taking a well deserved breather.

outside Williams Coffee Pub

see how these bronzed figures had to struggle to hold down this massive sail?


and yes, all these pictures were taken on the same day, just in slightly different directions and with two different cameras.

we’ll start at the … less pretty end. the part with the ships and the steel plant in the background. the paths are level and wide enough for pedestrians, cyclists and roller bladers.

far end

we pass by The Discovery Centre, which is probably quite interesting. it was closed by the time

discovery centre

I finished my coffee at the coffee pub. on the plus side, it was exciting to realize that the sun was still high in the sky at 5pm.

coffee pub

lots of seating is provided for a resting view of the yachts that will eventually be berthed

pier 4

before we wander over the hill that will take us to this side of the park

bare trees park path

where we find ourselves a little beach.


but remember, we are still in the most industrial part of an industrial city. from ships to trains in about 5 kms of what is actually a wonderful green space.

crooks view


now, I have to walk back to my car…


  1. Beautiful photos! Thanks for taking me on your walk. Fabulous!

  2. Well, SueAnn, thank you, but nothing is really at its prettiest in March, so I did my best.

  3. Lovely, although it does look a little chilly. I absolutely love that sculpture.

  4. It wasn't as chilly as it is now, SAW. We've dropped down to about 40F from 70F (or 5C from 21C)

    But yes, that sculture is amazing! It is huge; the figures are life-sized.

  5. That was nice. I love water. Just for fun go back in June and take a picture from the exact same spot from a few of these and do a season comparison pic post. I loved that one you did with the fancy house. And my favorite of these pics was the couple on the bench. It looked like a classic movie or song (album cover?) or something. I loved it.

  6. I plan to, Geewits. it really looks rather desolate without the leaves.
    I have another people on bench photo I posted on Sightlines

  7. not the best day for an amble like yours but we should all get out and do things, whatever the weather.

    A series of wonderful photos and a glorious day out.

  8. I had promised a photowalk, Friko, and this was what people chose. Then I heard the weather would turn wintry again... except it didn't really. But it certainly made me appreciate a good long hike again, so I'm glad I went.

  9. That was a very nice and windy walk you had there! Lovely picures! I wish I lived near the water. The water puddles in my front yard just aren't cutting it. ;)

  10. Ooooh...it looked cold in those photos! Beautiful photos.
    Thank you for sharing your walk with me.

  11. I love living near the water, Susan. Even a moody lake such as this!

  12. The weather should have been a bit more pleasant, Jackie, but I went anyway, just to get those pictures for you all! Glad you like.

    I think you'll like it even more in the summer shots...

  13. I adore the coffee house pic. Those lamp posts are fetching. Ah, I could do with a day like that!

  14. That was a fun walk. The days really are nicer now that we have some daylight in the evening, but it does look chilly in these photos...perhaps because the sky is overcast.

  15. I am very fortunate to have days like this, Lena. And I love to spend them finding coffee, especially with a patio.

  16. The longer evenings are most welcome, Stine. I don't know why I thought I had to do this right away, , but it was actually my first time in the park and I will definitely go back when it is not so overcast... and chilly!

  17. No, Betty we have had very little snow around here! The ducks and swans on the lake are what keep me coming back.

  18. What a lovely virtual walk ;-)
    It looks a bit cold to me, but the views are lovely and the sculptures fascinating. Thanks so much for sharing these views from your world.
    Hugs and blessings,

  19. You are welcome, HRG. I enjoyed doing this, even in the bleak mid March. And those very tall sculptures are worth another look!

  20. Gosh, there's a lot to see! Thanks for showing us that side of the bay!

  21. Great pics! I love the sculpture!:)

  22. I felt I was on the walk with you and could feel that wind, brr....Soon it will be nice and green and we'll have more lovely photos to see. Have a great weekend!

  23. You are welcome, and welcome Betty! Come back and we'll go again when the trees are green.

  24. That is a great sculpture, Pauline It could be a great shot against almost any sky for SkyWatchFriday.

  25. Glad you stopped by here as well, Joyful. I'll take you all on another walk in the summer - it will likely look entirely different!

  26. I could sit on those benches for hours together, watching activity off the dock.

    What a wonderful tour.

  27. A very nice walk and how wonderful to have such a nice area in an industrial part of town. MB

  28. So could I, Anil! There are a lot of strategically placed benches and picnic tables in this park.

  29. This is relatively new, MaryBeth, most of it being done within the past 6 years. And Hamilton is rightfully proud of it. There are plans to revitalize the rest of the area (not without some controversity!)

  30. Oh I felt like I have been on the most wonderful stroll! Thanks so much, not sure I would have a coffee but perhaps they serve tea?? I recently tried a Fabulous Feijoa tea....

  31. I'm glad you came along, Saj.
    Yes, they serve tea. Not familiar with Fabulous Feijoa...will go now and look it up.


Glad you stopped by. For anyone who stumbled here, don't be shy to say 'hi' and let me know you've visited!