Sunday, July 3, 2011

princes and post

I have been thinking about that other prince, the one who also just got married to a commoner but who is not visiting our fair land
for you see, Albert and I were born on the same day.

He may be richer and more gallant, than I, but I think I have retained my youthful appearance far better than His Serene Highness has done. I certainly have more hair, though I'm not sure which of us had more hair when we were born.

And, since my mother kept all the envelopes these cards came in, I can see that Aunt Millie was the first to send hers. I believe I was born around 5pm, but am not certain. I also notice on all the envelopes that they were addressed to my mother with the name of the hospital ... some had the city, some not. And all were received for a 4 cent stamp! Now that seems to me to be excellent service. Stamps now cost 59 cents (plus HST) for inside Canada and you better include the full address, along with the postal code, or who knows when you may get the letter. And you don't get such clear, dated postmarks - with the city and time - anymore, either. I am hoping for some post-strike mail tomorrow. 
me as a wee babe (with not much hair) in my mother's arms
p.s. Albert and I have never met


  1. I am assuming today is the day, so I am wishing you Happy Birthday. and if I am wrong celebrate as if it were your birthday. p.s. I have never met Albert either. lol. have a great day.

  2. Not everyone can say they share the same birthday as a prince. :)

    I hope this marriage works out well for him.

    Maybe we'll ALL get some mail (including bills) tomorrow! Or not.

  3. Bald babies usually get very pretty hair when they get older. My little sister was a prime example of this. I hope you were too.

  4. Fascinating! All my babes were practically bald and then grew lovely blonde hair. Two retained the blondeness, two went darker after babyhood.

  5. ps: Happy Birthday! You share the date with my brother-in-law:-)

  6. This interests me because our stamps are forty-four cents.

    I work for the US Postal Service and because of the strike, they have been holding mail to ship. Hope you get your mail soon.

  7. Cinner & Jabblog: my (our) birthday is the date on the datestamp in the first pic.

    EG: Albert's wedding certainly was eclipsed by at least two other royal weddings!

    Nora: yes, I full head of thick hair. perhaps too much of it at the moment ;)

    Gail: to send a letter to the States is $1.03 (+HST) and overseas is $1.75 (+HST) Oddly, I did notice that the mailboxes weren't tape over as they have been during past strikes.

  8. Well, happy unbirthday, anyway.

    I fear Prince Will is going to have a hairstyle like Albert's by the time he's his age.

  9. What a cute post!

    Albert sure waited long enough to get married, didn't he? Folks were beginning to wonder...

  10. Is that an apron your Mom's waiting? Classic!

  11. Jo: and yet, nobody seems concerned about my marital status (thank goodness!, really)

    SAW: it probably is! I hadn't really thought about that.

  12. Isabelle: opps, thanks. Yes, poor chaps!

  13. Congrats!! Ha!!
    Happy Birthday if today is the day...!! Ha!
    Hope you get some mail soon!!

  14. A very, merry un-birthday to you, TO YOU! Ha! Remember that song?

    Poor new Princess of Monaco! She looks so miserable! Obviously marrying him for the money and the title. It couldn't be for his looks or charm or youthfulness!

    What a cutie you were all swaddled up and in your Mum's arms! Love that photo!

  15. Brilliant, keeping those envelopes. Your own little bit of history to hand down.

  16. It's so great that you still have those things. Are you going to follow in your birthday buddy's footsteps and marry an Olympic swimmer?

  17. SueAnn: finally, I got a VISA bill and a postcard!

    Susan: she does look miserable, doesn't she? I have been reading a South African newspaper and it is full of stories that she tried to run away but had her passport confiscated and has signed something to say she will stay married for at least 5 years. (hopefully, long enough to produce an [legitimate] heir

    Ken: who would have thought the envelope would be as interesting as the card within!

    geewits: I have precious few mementoes of my birth and early years.... and, no. (shoulders too broad for me!)

  18. Happy birthday, even if it was a little while ago. I have to say that you are by far the more interesting person, as Albert does not sound like a person you would want to be stuck next to at dinner, whereas you and your blog are always full of interest and the unexpected.
    How lovely to have a letter of congratulations on your birth. I have none, but have kept all those I received on the birth of my children and they will get them in due course.

  19. Persiflage, aw, thanks.
    interestingly, almost half of the cards my mother received were along the 'get well soon' theme!

  20. I don't like this bald prince. I like the one who is visiting your fair country right now.

  21. Ann: same here. I gave up on Albert as a charming prince a long time ago, then went for Andrew... that was a mistake, too!

  22. wow, this is so heart warming! seeing an old newspaper from your exact birthday is really cool!


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