Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday AMuse

last week we had album covers
this week we have cassette innards


  1. That's pretty amazing! Glad someone found a use for old cassette tapes ...

  2. Pinklea: I still use my cassettes - my car only has a tape player and radio

  3. Like pinklea, I was thinking, "Ah, there is a use for those."
    Violet, I can't believe your cassettes have held up all these years. That was their worst flaw - that they were not very durable.

  4. Geewits: I know - not many of them did last. When I think of all those hours and hours and hours spent on my homemade tapes and none of them survived the years. I did copy a few of my favourites just in case they got eaten, so the originals are still good. It was cheaper than replacing them with CDs.

    Now that I think about it, though, I'm not sure when I last listened to them...

  5. Hey, my car only has radio and cassettes (or tapes as we call 'em)...I only have my old 80s music on tapes tho' as all the rest have gone to CD or MP3 players.

  6. Wow, these are quite amazing. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day.

  7. I have a big drawer full of tapes that I don't know what to do with. It seems a shame to throw them out, but what do you do with them, beside making art?

  8. ...this is as much fun as the album covers! Love it!

  9. our car only has a cassette player too... but I am never allowed to play my favourites!
    One of which would be Dylan!

  10. It is odd, is it not, how many cars only have tape/cassette players included?

  11. what fun.. we still have loads of old cassettes and do sometimes listen to them, remember the old walkmans, I was so proud of mine... and so archaic now!!


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