Sunday, January 31, 2016

snow, snow, wherefore are thou?

Usually around this time, people in my neck of the woods have had enough of winter's cold and snow.  But, this year, we have barely had an inch of the stuff. It has barely even been cold enough to make snow.  It has to be at least -2°C for that.  Mostly we are all walking around in a giddy daze, marvelling at yet another January spring day. As I prepare this post it is 7:30 am and an overcast 7°C

The lakes have not frozen over, so all the ice fishing huts have stayed in storage

The outdoor rinks have not materialized and the ponds are risky 
so Schroeder, Sally, Violet, Lucy and Snoopy might be skating on thin ice
And, while over on the east coast may have had a massive winter storm, we got nothing.  Our ski hills (note hills, not mountains) are open, but mostly with man made snow
and no front yards have had any snowmen lurking

see what other winter scenes have been found at Sunday Stamps II


  1. Very clever post today. Not much snow here this winter as well - one small storm which left about an inch of snow, and that's it. I really like the set that included the Canadian flag-themed fishing hut, and that German snow globe is one of the best winter stamps of all time.

  2. I have read so many American and Canadian blogs with scenes of enormous snow drifts in the last week or so! I feel safer with your stamps.

    1. I don't envy those people with the snow drifts - brings back painful memories of the last two winters! I may feel a little deprived of winter, but only a little.

  3. At least we can enjoy the snow and ice on your stamps. Shortage of the white stuff here too.

  4. I have that Canadian stamp and one other that I could have used - but didn't find them until I saw yours.

  5. The winter hasn't arrived here as well. I wonder if it will do eventually.
    That German stamp is one of my winter favourites (


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