I certainly won't mind if you read this in your pajamas. In fact I would be honoured. I'd know that you are probably relaxed and feeling cozy.
I have sufficiently recovered from whatever nasty bug invaded my body over the last week. It wasn't pleasant, and I will not gross you out with details. Besides, I'd just as soon not think about it anymore. It might come back, and I am willing it far, far away.
Now, XUP has agreed to 'interview me'.
It’s a fun, co-operative interview exercise where fellow bloggers can email you asking to join in and then you have to email them back with 5 interview questions - things you’d like to know specifically about them. Then they answer the questions on their blog and invite other bloggers to join in which means they have to come up with 5 questions for those bloggers.
Her blog is so entertaining and informative, and you never know what is going on in her head from one day to the next. So I was really curious as to what she would ask.
Here's what XUP wants to know:
1. Have you ever been so insanely "in love" that you thought you would die without the other person?
It is worse when that relationship ends and you start thinking life is not worth living anymore. And years later you realize you didn't really 'like' that person as much as you 'loved' them. While together, I don't think I thought about it that way. Maybe I'm not insane enough? Doesn't mean I wasn't foolish, though.
2. If you could change one thing about your physical self, magically and without surgery, what would it be?
I would have soft, supple, slightly oily, flawless, darker hued skin. No more of this dry, flaky, itchy, redness that I suffer with now. I'd still buy luxurious hand creme, though.
3. All the celebrities have suddenly become homeless through some natural disaster affecting only celebrities. They need to be billeted for a week in the homes of regular folk until their mansions can be rebuilt. Who would you sign up to billet?
Ellen DeGeneres. She seems to have this capacity to make herself right at home wherever she is. And can easily amuse herself, so would never be needing me to entertain her. She would make me laugh and we'd act all silly and drink mojitos. She would likely also come bearing gifts.
4. You are self-employed and seem to enjoy the freedom and even the challenges. If you were offered an office job that would be routine, not too interesting but with good people and full-time and secure job would you take it?
I do miss the commaraderie with sharing an office space with people you meet daily, and benefits would be nice to have...but no. I like that my days are so unstructured, it allows me to continue with my favourite pasttime of procrastination. I would have to become very disciplined and buy office clothes and smile at people and develop a telephone voice. It would be too drastic a change.
5. Are you looking forward to your next birthday? Why or why not?
I'm not bothered, either way. My family doesn't really 'do' birthdays except as an excuse to get together for dinner but we all live so far apart and having a winter birthday, even that doesn't happen very often. We make a fuss over the milestones, and I was actually excited about turning 50 last year, so 51 is a bit nothing. I'm looking forward to Freedom 55, though. (do I need an office job to quit to enjoy it like in the commercials?)
So, if you'd like to play along, here are the rules:
Send me an email saying: ”Interview Me” (see my profile page for address)
I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
You can then answer the questions on your blog.
You should also post these rules along with an offer to interview anyone else who emails you wanting to be interviewed.