It has been a busy few days, this past week. Busy and almost unbearably hot. Not as hot as it will be this week, however, so I'm glad to have that busy-ness out of the way.
The heat did not stop me from getting outside into the
smoggy fresh air. Getting some colour on my cheeks. I drank lots,

some of it not hydrating liquids,
all of it refreshing.

has anyone else noticed this trend to serve water in old fashioned milk bottles?
When I did eat, it was very good salady light fare type food.
I visited some friends where the husband cheerfully attended to the grilling of the shrimp and vegetables on the bbq and later laughed with us as we three women compared notes on our degrees of hotness and sweatiness (with, or without, any accompanying heatwave).

Found some interesting, refreshing drinks to buy in Chinatown.
I made my way to the Pride Parade and attended just long enough to show my support for my friends before heading into the art gallery to cool off and get away from the thousands of hot, sweaty bodies with water cannons. It was so cool and quiet there that I decided I couldn't be bothered to walk all the way back down to the lake to find a spot to see if I could see the tall ships in full sail.
(I could have paid for grandstand seats to see it, but I was too cheap to pay for the all-day pass at Ontario Place, plus the seating, plus the exhorbitant parking, which seems to have doubled all of a sudden)I walked where the crowds were
which really wasn't that crowded

and where they weren't

I drove to the locks at the Welland Canal and was in time to see The Bounty (and a few others) go through - and almost scrape against the side of the pier!
Then, I finished off my extral long, busy weekend here

the carousel in Port Dalhousie, that had a constant line up from the moment it opened at 10am!

you can choose from 68 animals and four chariots

where else could you get so much fun for a nickel?
If you are interested, (and why wouldn't you be?) there are more photos of the tall ships on my
flickr and on