Saturday, March 27, 2010

and then there is laundry

sleeping Oh yeah.

She looks all innocent.

and then she throws up all over the bed… again.

Now we are on $35.99/3kg cat food for her poor tummy.



apparently, we are feeling better.


  1. Uber-cute cat. I love cats and I never get blasé of them.

  2. I'd hate to see the bed after eating those!

  3. They are very entertaining at all times, Guillaume.

    Don't worry, I grabbed the bag away from her after I took the pictures, Scott.

    I don't even like candy, but my neighbour keeps dropping little bags off for me and Abby got to this one first.

  4. That is a VERY decorative and appealing cat - just as well for her if she sicks up on the bed...

  5. Oh dear!! That does not bode well for nice bed linens!! But she is a cutie!! LOL!!

  6. Nothing like a little cat yack to roll over on when you wake in the morning! Gives a whole new meaning to hopping out of bed!

    Boy, oh boy! I thought my cats ate expensive food, but I think Abby has them beat. I'm glad her tum-tum is feeling better. :)

  7. I guess you won't be able to afford any food for yourself now, with that pricey catfood. (Don't you wonder, just a wee tiny bit, how it tastes?? I would!)

  8. Beautiful cat....sigh.
    I love them.
    Thank you for sharing yours with me.

  9. Yeah, my friend Mike has a barf-o-matic cat as well, who decided it would be fun to do that last front of me...

  10. And, she sheds her decorative bits all over the place, Persiflage!

    They linens never look the same, SueAnn. I have my good bedcoverings in storage safe from the hair. I had hoped she would find a new place to sleep, but no such luck; 23 hours a day are spent on the bed.

    Oh, she aims for the floor too, if she can get off the bed in time (and most often right in the doorway), Betty. She only eats dry food so it doesn't smell much.

  11. Erm, no. It doesn't look nearly appetizing enough, Pinklea! But, she seems to be liking this new stuff. And must be getting fuller faster with it since I'm not refilling her bowl as often.

    Abby usually isn't a fussy eater, Susan, but she is almost 15, so I guess a 'sensitive stomach' is not completely out of order. She is an odd cat who does not like salmon or tuna!
    I did hesitate and have to stop hyperventilating when I saw the price (but then remembered the cost of new linens and possible vet bills...)

    Oh, Jackie, anything else you want shared about her? Can you come clean out her litterbox for us?

    My cat would never do that to you, Mr Nighttime, she likes to run away and barf, making you go after her to find it.

  12. Squirrels cost less to feed. Just thought that you ought to know.

  13. And just as playful, LGSquirrel.
    And don't live as long (but that is the sad part...)

  14. glad she's better. and yes, i know about the cat throw - up. ugh

  15. And then they make it worse, by eating it! Though this time, Char, I knew we needed a change in diet because she didn't eat it and left it there for me to clean up.

  16. What a pretty kitty. How fast does she run through a $36 bag of that food? If it lasts at least a couple of weeks that doesn't seem too bad in the grand scheme of things

  17. I don't know yet, XUP, I only bought it on Thursday. I introduced it by mixing it with the other food and she picked out only the new stuff. She doesn't seem to need as much before feeling full, so it may actually last longer than the other.

    I do now have a bag of Performatrin for Indoor Cats (like Bazel?).

  18. She is a very appealing cat. I am not sure how I would handle the throw up though. Perhaps I dont need a cat?

  19. Aw such a wee cutie! My Ernie is having fun chasing the neighbours cat away from his food, but he doesn't chase the hedgehog away from it...instead he sits there watching Harry the Hedgehog helping himself to cat biscuits and even chicken necks!

  20. Cats have a way of upchucking often, Meggie, either food or hairballs. It is never pretty.

  21. Well, I would watch, too, Saj. Hedgehogs are so adorable.

  22. What we do for our pets, eh? She is adorable though!

  23. I figure I've gotten off easy so far, Ladyfi, so I shouldn't complain about the expensive food. And she is adorable, yes.

  24. Aw ... such a QT as you've shared her in these photos, but I'm sorry about the bed. Ucky!
    Hugs and blessings,

  25. I went to IKEA this morning and bought more bedlinens, HRG. Poor Abby is finding it harder to get on (and off) the bed lately.

  26. I miss having cats, vomit and all.

  27. I often think how nice it would be to not have the cat hair everywhere, Jazz. But then I think how awful it would be to not have the cat everywhere.

  28. Hey....she is eating my favorite minty melty things...(not sure what they are called, but I like them a lot!) I don't suppose that is going to help her tummy any. Yep, feeling better, for sure.

    She is awfully cute!

  29. Although, it has been noticed, Sistertex, that cats seem to recover from their regurgitations pretty quickly!


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