Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I spent a good many hours yesterday with my computer on and set to the live video feed of the raising of the Concordia. Many hours of not much seeming to happen, then suddenly you return to the screen to to see a lot has happened. Fascinating stuff, really. And oddly riveting.

The best part was there was no filling the air time with inane and/or repetitive commentary, just the visual with the sound of the gentle waves (quite soothing actually, when I was napping) and the distant voices of some of the engineering crew. The comments on the Reuters site (seriously moderated, I'm sure) were for the most part intelligent, for a change and the answers were well considered and insightful.

The BBC has a pretty cool time-lapse video (plus many more images) for anyone who didn't have a spare 19 hours...

So, no need for a made-for-tv movie about this, then?!

In the meantime, google maps still shows the unrighted vessel lying of the island


  1. Fascinating wasn't it? I hope they find the two missing bodies.

    1. yes. it is a huge ship so they could be anywhere. I read that was why the underwater roving camera wasn't made public, just in case it did find them.

  2. Good to know this ship disaster did not pollute the water as it sank or as it was being righted. Like many disasters it was a series of bad decisions and oversights. Amazing engineering in this salvage operation.

    1. yes - all the food left behind that has been rotting all this time doesn't bear thinking about, either!
      it was quite interesting reading about how it was done. and you weren't sitting on the edge of your seat holding your breath in fear of something going wrong as it proceeded so slowly.

  3. I saw some of it and what an incredible achievement, and the coverage excellent.

  4. Well, I wouldn't have wanted to spend 19 hours watching it, but a couple of minutes was quite memorable. Thank you.

  5. It probably says something about me that I kept moving the little bar ahead to fast-forward the time lapse video..


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