Wednesday, November 25, 2009

not quite decked out

Yesterday, in the corner of the lobby by the window,
sat a lonely chair.

Today, the beginnings of a tree.

Apparently, this decorating lark needs to be done s-l-o-w-l-y.

It doesn't look like much now, but I am certain it will grow into something beautiful. Or maybe not. Maybe this is just an ordinary sized tree on an very long pole?

And it's hard to see in this shot, because the ceiling is so very tall,
but the top branch is squished!
Now, how will they fit the star, or angel, on top?


  1. Does it need an angel?! I love tall trees, the more decorations the better.

    CJ xx

  2. They could probably trim about 12 feet off the trunk - why are there no branches down there? And I trust you will post photos when it's all done?

  3. Maybe the angel ran off with a reindeer so they decided to smoosh the top so no one would notice?

  4. What? Did they cut off all the lower branches?

  5. Crystal: it is tradition to have some sort of tree topper, but I guess you don't 'need' to.

  6. XUP: at least 12'.
    yes, an update tonight will be posted.

  7. Betty: When I frst saw it, I thought, maybe it is for the mezzanine to enjoy at eye level...? We'll see what they do to it tonight.

  8. Jazz: kinda like stuffing the pillow under the bedclothes...?

  9. SAW: it's funny, because there is no ladder around, so one wonders how they got the top bit of the tree branched.

  10. Interesting approach. I look forward to the finished product.

  11. We usually put the Christmas Fairy/Angel on the tree before we raise it....

  12. MrWriteOn: yes, I agree and so do I!

  13. Sagittarian: perhaps, I should have wandered over this afternoon to watch the process.

  14. That's just funny! (Also known as poor planning on someone's part.)

  15. Geewits: maybe a committee planning?

  16. hey maybe they are just planning ahead for tons of presents to fit underneath...

  17. Don't you hate it when people are careless with their Christmas trees? A little bit of thought does need to go into them. It doesn't require much.

  18. Coming back from Pyramides, blue sky, heat, and sunshine, I am really not ready for a Christmas tree, lol !

  19. Gwen: on a sleigh with eight dancing reindeer?

  20. Nora: I like to imagine what thoughts possessed some seemingly thoughtless gestures.


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