Sunday, November 30, 2014

colourful birds

Birds is the theme for Sunday Stamps this week. In all honesty, I could probably post bird stamps every week for a year and still not have shown my whole collection. 
maybe because I keep collecting them...

anyway, these little songbirds are the only ones from the series I have (though I'm sure I have a bluebird somewhere) 
I need to get more postcards from the US
and then there are these posing parrots from Australia
from L to R we have the 
Princess Parrot with the pretty pink chin and baby blue crown
Rainbow Lorikeet with the blue face
Green Rosella whose colours blend beautifully from blue to green to yellow to red
Red Capped Parrot who has a distinct red cap and yellow beard
Purple Crowned Lorikeet with the unexpected subtle soft blue breast


Glad you stopped by. For anyone who stumbled here, don't be shy to say 'hi' and let me know you've visited!