Sunday, November 2, 2014


While reading the latest modern rewrite of Jane Austen's works - Emma by Alexander McCall Smith - I remembered that I had these lovely stamps waiting to be shared with you all for SundayStamps
I'm  not sure which of Jane Austen's books was the first one I ever read, but I know that the only one I have a copy of is Northanger Abbey, and only because it is bound in red leather and matches my copy of Little Women. This was from back in the day when I would buy (mostly) used books based on their covers and would exchange them if I found a better one or add to the collection if I found another with a different cover design. After several moves, and a difficult decision to start culling many of my books, the first to go were the novels that could easily be found anywhere (like a library). Although it did remind me of a bible, I quite liked the plain red leather book with the attached red ribbon book mark, so those two are still on my bookshelf. I'm not sure I would ever read either of those copies again - I need books with slightly larger print now that I am 30 years older.
And now I collect stamps and postcards which take up a little less room, but the same principle applies: I still like to have several versions of the same thing.


  1. I think I must have read at least one of her books, but I don't remember which. I am trying to weed out many of my books (nonfiction) too.

  2. Pretty stamps. I don't really enjoy Austen books, but maybe it's because I didn't read them until I was older and aware of feminist issues. But I did grow up with Alcott books and have a soft spot for them.

  3. I haven't read any Jane Austen, I don't know why, but I do like this set, it's much nicer than the earlier stamps of her novels. I know what you mean about having several versions of the same thing - I now have 4 copies of Tess of the d'Urbervilles - I had a tatty used copy which I'd forgotten I had, I then bought another 1 and then 2 more based on liking the cover designs.

  4. I have paperbacks of almost all Jane Austen's books, and I have read them at least once (Mansfield Park) and several times (most of the others!!!)
    Thank you for sharing these stamps!

  5. I have this set too. Many Austen stamps exist an she gets a lot of exposure - on bank notes too. I wonder whether modern writers will get their turn.

  6. What beautiful stamps! I think Northnger Abbey is the only one I have NOT read! Will remedy that ASAP! on my Kindle I hope ( love the font enlarge feature on it!)

  7. I hadn't seen these stamps, and I find them wonderful. Specially as I have been reading the complete works by Jane Austen lately! I had read some of them in Catalan and Spanish, but I had never read any in English. I really enjoyed the books!

    They would have looked great in these pieces of mail I got:


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